Surf the board you made with your hands!
We offer monthly group workshops in our studio located close to Ericeira, but also outside in Europe.
During 3 full days you will learn how to build your own wooden surfboard from start to finish. The shapes can be 100% customized.
No particular skills are needed. During those 3 days you will learn about:
the use of specific woodworking tools.
the art of surfboard design and shaping
the software used to design the boards.
wood sealing/glassing techniques
"Traditional" foam surfboards are normally glassed after the shaping stage. Glassing means laying down fiberglass and several layers of resin, lots of sanding and releasing poluting substances and dust.
Since the birth of Ondanova we are trying to find solutions to decrease and even remove the use of those harmfull products.
We developped a technique using cork for the rails and flax fiber for internal reinforcement, resulting in about 50% reduction in the amount of epoxy required. Not only is cork a natural and locally sourced material here in Portugal, but it also adds to the board's unique design and performance.The boards aren't glassed on the outside, but only made waterproof with a mix of natural oils and waxes.
This solution presents several advantages:
safer: minimal waste or harmfull dust
accelerate the construction process
gives flexibility to the structure, thus to your surf
Your surfboard will be ready to surf 4 to 5 days after the workshop, instead of a week or two in case of glassing
With this technique, while the boards are strong and light, the surface is a bit more sensible to scratches and needs a bit of extra care and attention. Re oiling might be necessary after one or to year, depending on the use. Oiling is a very easy process and will be discussed during the workshop.
Check our agenda to find future workshops and their location. And do not hesitate to propose a date if those are not fitting.
Next workshops
+ Private workshops available year-round
18-20 January - Ericeira
1-3 March - Ericeira
2-4 May - Ericeira
20-22 June - Ericeira
8-10 July - Ericeira
24-26 October - Ericeira
29-1 Nov/Dec - Ericeira
The price includes the course and all material to build your wooden surfboard, not included is the stay, food and transport. The value is based on the length of the board you want to build:
Shortboard until 6'10''...................1150€
Mid-length until 8'0''......................1250€
On top of that price add :
+ 15€ per fin box (only Futures and US box)
+ 50 -200€ for colors and art work
+ 200€ for workshops outside of Portugal

Contact us on if you wish to inscribe or if you have any question.
In order to confirm your inscription we ask a deposit of 250€.
Last day of inscription: one week before the workshop starts / two weeks for workshops outside Portugal.
If you want to have a better idea of the final product don’t hesitate to come and visit us!
Past workshops
22 January - Seignosse @ Shaper
15 January - Seignosse @ Shaper
18 December - Brussels
11 December 2020 - Brussels
24 November 2020 - Lisbon studio
4 November 2020 - Lisbon studio
14 August 2020 - Hossegor
31 July 2020 - Brussels
11 July 2020 - Brussels
15 December 2019 - Brussels
6 December 2019 - Brussels
11 October 2019 - Lisbon
13 September 2019 - Azurara
20 June 2019 - Porto
8 June 2019 - Lisbon studio
10 May 2019 - Lisbon studio
12 April 2019 - Lisbon studio
8 March 2019 - Lisbon studio
15 February 2019 - Lisbon studio
25 January 2019 - Lisbon studio
14 December 2018 - Lisbon studio
23 November 2018 - Lisbon studio
19 October 2018 - Lisbon studio
28 September 2018 - Guéthary
14 September 2018 - Estoril w/SurfOut
10 August 2018 - Lisbon Portugal
20 July 2018 - Lisbon Portugal
31 May 2018 - Lisbon w/FICA