Our surfboards are hollow and built around a wooden skeleton. The wood used for the skin is mainly Paulownia (Kiri in Japanese). It is a light but resistant wood indigenous to Asia. Ours comes from plantations in Europe but soon will be planted and harvested here in Portugal.
Once the surfboard is shaped it is made waterproof using a natural oil-wax mixture. This wood construction allow us to reduce the amount of fiberglass and epoxy compared to conventional foam surfboards. The result is a high quality and functional product, comparable in weight to foam surfboards, more resistant and definitely more sustainable.
The surfboards are first designed using a CAD software. The skeleton is then exported, laser cutted and the rest of the process is manual. All shapes are therefore possible to build. Between Mini-Simmons and 10' glider, Paipos and Alaïas, deep concaves and bellies.
You can contact us to discuss about the shape you want, it can be 100% customized but we also have a fixed list of tried and trusted shapes you can choose from. If you order a surfboard, we will discuss about it together around a first 3D proposition that can then be refined.
The fin system is Futures. We also make wooden fins that can fit Futures or that can be glassed-on.

The prices for custom surfboards depends on the length of the surfboard, the number of finboxes...:
Shortboard until 6'10''...................1200€
Mid-length until 8'0''.....................1400€
On top of that price add :
+ 10€ per fin box
+ extra to be defined depending on special request.
Order a custom surfboard
Contact us on to tell us about your wish or if you need help with pricing, we will help you finding the shape that fits you most.
We ask a deposit of 40% of the total amount to confirm your order. Once it is confirmed it takes around two weeks to build your surfboard.
Shipping in Europe is possible and not included in the price.